
Beer hops grown in Red Deer, Alberta

Grown in the fertile Alberta ‘black gold’ soil of our Red Deer family farm, Hard Hels Hops were first planted in 2018 and have been thriving ever since. Every spring we start prepping the hop farm for the season ahead and by early June our wild little hops are waiting to be trained onto their coconut coir strings. By late June, our seven hop varieties are racing to be the first to reach the top of our 19 foot steel towers, and by mid-July all of our hop plant ladies are towering at the top of their structures.

When are they available?

For the 2020 season, our hops will be available to purchase late August to early September. We will confirm the date closer to harvest. To request wet hops, please get in touch with us in advance of harvest so that we can ensure your hops are farm fresh. New for 2020, we are now able to offer pelletized hops.

Live hop plants

Hop plants are a wonderful climbing vine for any garden. Place them at the base of any garden structure and watch them grow. If you’re clever with placement, they make great shade cover when they grow out later in the summer. Our 2020 stock also includes a small selection of live hop plants for sale. Get in touch to order.


Hops for home brewers and big brewers

Whether you’re a small-batch home brewer or a commercial brewery, we are able to supply hops in 1 oz bags up to 11 lb bags. Please feel free to reach out to us to discuss your needs. Our hops are available from harvest (late August - September) and are available until we sell out.


Hop Varieties


Bitter Gold

Our bitter golden girls are a big, bold, juicy hop. Bitter Gold is a super-alpha hop variety mainly used for bittering or if added later in the brew they can add a flavour addition of fruity notes like pear and watermelon. 

Alpha-Acid % 15.4-18.8%, Beta-Acid % 6.1-8%



Chinook has slightly spicy, smokey and earthy characteristics alongside pine and grapefruit flavours. It is best known and most often used for bittering, however brewers also love the aromas of the Chinook hop. They’re great for American Pale Ales and IPAs but their use spans way beyond.

Alpha-Acid % 12-14%, Beta-Acid % 3-4%


Triple Perle

Inheriting a high alpha-acid level from the father and a pronounced aroma from the mother, Tripe Perle is appealing for IPA brewers. It has aromas of melon, sweet citrus, Christmas spices and a slight earthiness.

Alpha-Acid % 9-11%, Beta-Acid % 3-4.5%



One of the most popular American hops, Cascade is frequently used in American Pale Ales but is suited to most ales and lagers. It is used as an aroma hop with qualities such as floral notes, spice, citrus and grapefruit. It is also used for bittering. 

Alpha-Acid % 4.5-8.9%, Beta-Acid % 3.6-7.5%



The Fuggle hails from England and is one of the most popular hops for home brewers. The aroma characteristics of Fuggle include mint, grass, light wood and floral notes. As higher alpha hop varieties have become more prevalent, Fuggle hops are mainly used for their aroma.

Alpha-Acid % 2.4-6.1%, Beta-Acid % 2.1-2.8%



Centennial is often compared to the cascade hop with aromas of pine, citrus (less grapefruit), and some floral notes. Centennial hops are versatile, used as an aroma hop, on it’s own or in a blend and is often used for dry hopping.

Alpha-Acid % 9.5-11.5%, Beta-Acid % 3.5-4.5%



Glacier hops are a relatively new variety on the scene, and can be applied to a number of beer styles. They have been seen in Pale Ales, Porters, Stouts and are gaining popularity amongst craft brewers. Glacier will add a light and pleasant bitterness with citrus, fruit, herbal and woody aromas.

Alpha-Acid % 3.3-9.7%, Beta-Acid % 5.4-9.5%